Sunday, April 26, 2009

initial axonometrics

The following is a selection of my initial sketches. It's interesting to see the quality improve from the first to the last as initially it was very difficult to do. Some of the concepts explored were:
Campbell's lab - After finding out that Ian Wilmut had taken most of the credit for cloning Dolly I thought it was important to have two spaces, one seperate private office for Ian, and a mass lab for not only Keith, but hundreds of other scientist working under Ian...creating a 'cloned lab rat maze'

Exploded Spaces - As I struggled to come up with new designs I exploded some simple shapes to create arrangements with the faces. Initially this was a concept for Nobel, but led to the exploration of shapes that suggest a space that may not exist. This is an idea that parralels with Cousteau as he presented to the public underwater spaces that had only been seen from above, but in reality were totally different when viewed from within.

Nobel's Factory - I envisioned Nobel working in his family factory and thought some design elements could be used.

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