Sunday, April 26, 2009


Cousteau's quote that I have chosen is so simple, but extraordinarily beautiful:
"Sometimes we are lucky enough to know our lives have been changed, to discard the old and embrace the new and run headlong down an immutable course. It happened to me... on that summer's day when my eyes were opened to the sea."
Jacques Yves-Cousteau (From 'The Quotations Page')
The aim of his video lab is to open the users eyes to a different view. I want the exterior to maybe represent a certain space, but the realisation of the internal space to be a reward to the user for entering it and for it to present different perspectives of what will be the natural surroundings of the antarctic.
I seem to be approaching Keith Campbell's lab with an ever increasingly critical eye so have actually chosen a quote from Ian Wilmut, the man who has taken the majority of the acclaim for the cloning of Dolly as the leader of the research team:
"Dolly was a bonus, sometimes when scientists work hard, they also get lucky, and that's what happened."
Ian Wilmut (From 'Wikipedia')
I'm thinking the creation of Dolly really wasnt as 'flukey' as Ian may suggest, maybe his fame from Dolly has been luck, but I would put her creation down to extremely hard work by hundreds of people behind the scene, Keith Campbell being one.
Electroliquid aggregation - As a combination of the two quotes I came up with the following:
"Sometimes we are lucky enough to know when scientists work hard, lives have been changed, to discard the old and embrace the new"
Following this quote I thought this could be translated into an experimental medical centre that utilises the cloning and stem cell research from Campbell's lab and advances in the discovery of underwater species and their survival to save lives through new treatment techniques. I also thought the antarctic's laws on stem cell research are probably the loosest in the world due to the lack of population!

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